Thursday, January 13, 2011


Enigmatic- adjective
difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.
That is how I would choose to describe myself. At a glance, I come across sweet and innocent, quiet, fragile. If only they knew.
I prefer to keep my cards close to my chest, not let anyone in, but as I have recently found out that is not always possible.
Having another person in your life, a partner for example, forces you to drop your guard, let down all your defences. All that is left is your heart, open for the taking.
How do you know who you can trust? How do you overcome this feeling of helplessness? 
All you can do is follow your heart, which is hard for a 19 year old boy studying science. I listen to the facts written down on a piece of paper. Make decisions that I can control. When you bring love into the equation all that is stripped away. 
If you continue to read my blog, you will be let into my mysterious world, find out my secrets and enjoy the craziness that is me.
Sincerely, EnigmaticBoy.

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